Dear Shorewood Families,
Our preparations for the upcoming school year have been in full swing since the School Board approved our Virtual+ model on July 28th (you can view the presentation here and read the plan here).
Across the District, teachers have been engaging in professional learning on virtual instruction and collaborating with each other to transform our traditional learning model into engaging virtual learning experiences for all students. Here are some examples of the work that is coming up:
- Elementary school teachers will be working toward creating virtual learning plans for every elementary school student. Within those plans will be the processes and norms for how and when to respond to any student who is not participating or demonstrating limited participation.
- At SIS and SHS, teachers will be prioritizing standards to ensure students are making one year’s growth and using virtual tools to engage students in synchronous learning opportunities.
The commitment of our teachers to improving practices to prepare to serve all of our students at a high level in our new learning model has been nothing short of amazing to watch. I am proud of our teachers for their selfless efforts this summer and look forward to executing our plans with you and your students beginning September 8th.
Due to our dynamic environment this year, we needed to adjust the back-to-school activities timelines for registration, school schedules and school supplies. We have also needed to prepare for the limited child supervision that we are providing for students during the first quarter. Details for these activities are as follows:
Student Schedules & Back-to-School Information
All Shorewood students who have completed the online annual registration will receive their schedules for the 2020-21 school year on Friday, August 21. Along with this information, principals will also provide updated school supplies lists and additional important back-to-school information that is school-specific.
If you have not yet completed your student(s) registration, please view the Annual Registration Process here and follow the instructions. With any further questions regarding registration, please contact Iris Bohan in the Pupil Services office at [email protected].
Virtual Learning Child Supervision Opportunity
The Shorewood School District, in cooperation with Milestones Programs for Children, plans to offer a very limited Virtual Learning Child Supervision opportunity for the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year (September 8 - November 6). This opportunity is for school-aged children grades 4K-6, and will be offered from 7:45am-3:15 pm every weekday that school is in session. Staff from both Milestones and the District will supervise the children at a district site, and assist with their online learning, both synchronous and asynchronous. There will also be structured time provided for student breaks and lunch. The cost of this care will be $90 per week and paid directly to Milestones. Any additional supervision required after 3:15 pm will be provided by Milestones After School Program at an additional cost. For families in need of child supervision for students in grades 7-12, please contact SIS Principal Mike Joynt at [email protected].
Selection Criteria
As mentioned, the number of openings will be very limited. First priority will go to Shorewood School District staff, essential workers as defined by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, families of students with disabilities (students with IEPs and 504 plans), and families whose students qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch. Any remaining spots will be determined through a lottery system. Those selected for spots in our child supervision program for grades 4K-6 will need to register through Milestones. Additional information for those selected to enroll will be forthcoming.
Family Interest
In order to gauge initial interest in our child supervision opportunity, the District is asking that parents please complete The Virtual Learning Child Supervision Survey by Tuesday, August 18th at 4 pm. This survey is purely informational and does not reserve your child(ren) a spot in the program.
Covid-19 Prevention Protocol
There are Covid-19 safety protocols being finalized that will be in place for our child supervision. The protocols will be informed by Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recommendations and will be similar to the Milestones protocols used during Summer 2020. These protocols were successfully used in schools across the North Shore serving approximately 300 students and resulted in zero cases of Covid-19 being transmitted at Milestones sites. With any additional questions regarding our child supervision opportunity, please call 414.963.6913 x4.
We understand that there are a lot of new and overwhelming changes happening as we enter the new school year. We appreciate your continued patience and commitment as we work through this unprecedented process together. I am confident that despite the circumstances, we can use the resources we have to create a learning environment that safely serves all of our Shorewood students.
Bryan Davis
Shorewood Schools Superintendent