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Fourth Grade's Get Out and Vote Expedition

Fourth Grade's Get Out and Vote Expedition

The fourth graders at Atwater Elementary school have been working on a Get Out and Vote project, along with Art teacher, Angela Hayes. 

Ms. Hayes taught the students how to create a Vote logo in art class. After each student completed their creation, the class held a primary election and students were able to vote for the top t-shirt design from each crew. Then, they voted on the top design from the three remaining and Bennett Dobberpuhl’s project was put on a t-shirt, paid for by the Atwater PTO. 

Students learned about Civics, what it means to be a responsible citizen, levels of government and voting. They decorated Voting bookmarks and brought them to the Shorewood Public Library and Stone Creek. Students also participated in data chats about electoral voting. They colored Vote signs and hung them at home and at businesses around the community. Representative Darrin Madison visited Atwater and talked to the fourth graders and answered questions. 

The fourth-grade class proudly wore the winning t-shirt design during their field trip to Madison on Friday, November 1st, which included a tour of the Capitol.