2021 Black History Program Set for February 10th

Youth Rising Up* (YRU) group has begun the process of planning this year's Black History Program, which is set to take place virtually on February 10, 2021 and they are looking for students who would like to participate! There are spots available for speaking roles, singing, and behind the scenes tech work.
Any students who are interested can send YRU advisor Nelson Brown an email at [email protected] or students can choose to attend any of the weekly YRU meetings via Zoom every Wednesday at 11:15am. To join the zoom meetings, click the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87176284744?pwd=UFNGM1NYd0cvcG9jeTRlMGNmQW85dz09
*Youth Rising Up serves as a student organization to foster student development through diversity, academics, and social services. The purpose of YRU is to promote activities of common interest, as well as cultural and educational benefits for all students. In addition, to continue to promote community and self-enrichment by way of community service and volunteerism.
BH celebration