Black Lives Matter At School Week of Action, February 1-5

Around the country, Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action, is being recognized February 1-5, 2021. This week of action and affirmation has also been recognized by many teachers and staff in the Shorewood School District and has had a very positive impact as they seek to cultivate equity and inclusion throughout the Shorewood Schools systems. There is much value in expanding how BLM at School Week of Action is recognized and celebrated, and increasing the opportunities for all students to engage in this week of action. A variety of resources to support BLM at School Week of Action can be found here.

Other ways students can be engaged in action during this week (and throughout the year) include classroom or group analysis of poems, spoken word, short films, art, and current events pertaining to youth justice and activism for racial justice. This type of analysis and reflection will support meaningful discourse among students and may be connected to opportunities for students to create their own poetry, art, and ideas for activism.

The Shorewood School District stance on BLM at School Week:

"At Shorewood School District, we believe Black lives matter. Our declaration and unwavering agreement that Black lives matter is not controversial nor is it a political statement. It is the belief that our Black students, families and staff matter and it is our acknowledgement of the work that must be done to eradicate racial inequities within our schools. This declaration must be mutually and genuinely shared by all stakeholders as we create the conditions and opportunities to align this declaration with the actual experiences of Black students, families, and staff.
The Shorewood School District has prioritized antiracist pedagogy, expanding our focus on social justice within our curriculum, and addressing the culture of fear that has prevented us from addressing racism within our district. Our work toward these priorities remains ongoing and a key focus of our strategic plan.
During Black Lives Matter at School Week and throughout the years ahead, our teachers, students, and staff will continue to engage in learning and action that uplifts justice, love, empathy, activism, representation, and power with racial identity as a lens through which we understand these concepts."
Throughout the month of February, the District will be sharing many helpful resources and tools--on our website and social media pages--that families and community members can use to further their learning and discussions surrounding Black history and highlighting Black racial identity and justice.
For more information on Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action, visit:
UPDATE ON SHS BLACK HISTORY MONTH PROGRAM: The program (which will be virtual) is scheduled for Wednesday, February 24. More details will be shared with the community closer to this date.