National Principals Month 2022

Did you know that October is National Principals Month? Principals across the nation work hard to provide the best education and leadership possible, and this month is a time to show them how much they are appreciated.
In Shorewood, we are extremely lucky to have four amazing school principals plus one incredible associate principal (pictured clockwise from top left):
• Alejandra Ovalle-Krolick, Lake Bluff Elementary School Principal
• Tim Kenney, Shorewood High School Principal
• Amanda Jamerson, Shorewood High School Associate Principal
• Sam Nadolsky, Shorewood Intermediate School Interim Principal
• Janice Carter, Atwater Elementary School Principal
To highlight each of these exceptional administrators, the District asked them why they became a principal and what inspires them about their school community. Read their answers below.
alejandraAlejandra Ovalle-Krolick, Lake Bluff Elementary School Principal

1) Why did you become a principal?
I have always wanted to have an opportunity to have a bigger impact on a learning community. I have always hoped to help learners and teachers see what was possible. The ability to be part of a child's educational journey for multiple years is pretty amazing. The ability to collaborate with staff on behalf of students is pretty inspirational. I have the opportunity to serve both and that is something that I have always wanted to do.

2) What inspires you most about your school community?
Our learners are so curious. They want to understand how everything fits together and what it all means. I appreciate that they have this level of curiosity and that they care deeply about making a difference. We also have educators who are equally interested in serving our students and helping them be changemakers.

3) What is your favorite part of your job?
There are too many things to choose from. Any time I am able to learn alongside students is awesome. I just love being in class with them and learning more about what they are learning about. I love learning about who they are as individuals and what excites them about their learning.  It's just such a privilege to serve our learners.

TimTim Kenney, Shorewood High School Principal

1) Why did you become a principal?
One of the greatest roles of being a building principal is having the ability to help people.  Students, staff, families, community members.  I love being able to use this position to do that and it brings me joy.  That's the main reason why I chose to become a principal.
2) What inspires you most about your school community?
This is a tough one because there are so many things.  I love my incredibly talented staff and I get true inspiration from our students.  Everyone has a gift and when the students share their gifts with us (often through sports, art, performances, etc) you realize how positive of an impact our students are having and are going to continue to have in the future as they graduate from SHS and move on.
3) What is your favorite part of your job?
Again, this is a tough one because there are so many parts.  But, when I have a chance to be out and about at SHS, interacting with students in the hallways during passing time, over the lunch hour, at special events, etc., that's the really great stuff right there.  Getting to know as many students as possible on a personal level is so much fun because I am fascinated by the wide variety of dreams and aspirations that our students bring here each day.

AmandaAmanda Jamerson, Shorewood High School Associate Principal

1) Why did you become an associate principal?

I decided to become a school leader because I wanted to create change on a larger scale and give students what I needed from an administrator when I was younger. 
2) What inspires you most about your school community?
My students, the students at Shorewood High School, give me so much hope for the world. We have some of the most idealistic young leaders, I’ve ever encountered and they amaze me daily. 
3) What is your favorite part of your job?
The amazing individuals I’m blessed to work with and learn from daily. From my amazing staff, who work tirelessly to support students to the school/ district leaders that offer support and guidance. 
SamSam Nadolsky, Shorewood Intermediate School Interim Principal
1) Why did you become a principal?
I became a principal because I enjoy all the different facets of the education system from budgeting and HR to curriculum and instruction. The principal role is really at the nexus of all of these, and it's exciting to see how all the parts fit together. I also enjoy the variety of daily challenges that the job poses; no two days are the same!
2) What inspires you most about your school community?
I'm inspired daily by the advocacy and voice of our student body. Our students have such a lens for fairness, and they'll always advocate for their friends and peers. 
3) What is your favorite part of your job?
The first 15-20 minutes of the school day are absolutely crazy - students are arriving late, substitutes are getting their sub plans, the phone is ringing off the hook, and all sorts of things are happening in the office. But there's a moment after all of this craziness settles that you can feel the energy shift and you know that the school day has finally begun. I love that moment! 
JaniceJanice Carter, Atwater Elementary School Principal
1) Why did you become a principal?  
I wanted to affect change at a broader level - make more of an impact in education as a whole - I felt the importance of creating a culture of learning that is celebrated and fun while being inclusive for everyone.  For me, it is about creating leaders for our future world that will ensure that the interests of all are considered so everyone's perspective is honored.  I also wanted to create opportunities for every scholar so they were challenged and supported.
2) What inspires you most about your school community?
The celebration of individuality and diversity by the students here at Shorewood inspires me. This is what makes us unique, it is our strength and our superpower.  It is all too easy to find an educational setting that requires students to assimilate  - this does not allow for creative thought, acceptance nor innovative ideas.  I enjoy seeing students who feel secure in their thoughts, style of dress, their culture and feel confident in sharing ideas.  
3) What is your favorite part of your job?
Participating in the fun but educational activities then seeing the joy the scholars feel when they are learning, becoming more secure in their knowledge; then how they can communicate how it applies to the world around them.  Even in the most tense situations, the scholars manage to bring humor or a different perspective that pushes everyone to grow and always see the positive lens.  I also love when former students return and I can see first hand how they have evolved into wonderful people. I feel so honored to be a part of that process.