Shorewood Summer Studios Presents Premier Night, July 26

Community members are invited to attend Shorewood Summer Studios' special Premier Night on Thursday, July 26 at 6:30 pm in Shorewood High School's Barbara Gensler Theater. Admission is free, and videos will be featured from Filmmaking 101. 

Filmmaking 101 is a Shorewood EL summer school course offering for fifth and sixth graders. Participants study elements of visual story telling and the language of cinema while creating short films. The students discovered that s
uccessful filmmaking requires a great deal of collaboration and creative problem solving!
In the course, students formed their own production companies, responsible for fostering a film through every phase of production, from brainstorming a slate of possible ideas to adding special effects to the final edit. At each stage, their projects had to receive a green light from Shorewood Summer Studios, our in-house studio responsible for releasing their films to the public.
This year's films are just about ready for the big screen. The world premier is scheduled for Thursday, July 26 at 6:30 pm in Shorewood High School's Barbara Gensler Theater. Admission is free. It promises to be an exciting showcase of work from creative and enthusiastic young filmmakers — we hope you can join us!
See video preview here: