“Gift Givers” Donate Toys to Children’s Hospital

In December 2018, a small group of third and fourth grade MAC 2 students approached Lake Bluff Elementary School counselor Meghan Markham with an idea to help support children admitted to the hospital. The students hoped to create a fundraising drive in which they could collect money to purchase toys for the children, and thus, the group “Gift Givers” was formed.
With a little support from teachers and parents, Gift Givers became a student-driven initiative with a hefty goal, to raise $500 for the purchase of new toys. The students produced their own announcements, posters, and other marketing materials to help spread the word about their fundraising goal. A group of Girl Scouts went caroling in their neighborhood and donated their earnings, a student found $5 leftover in his backpack from a book fair and donated the money, the local toy store Winkie’s contributed, and countless other students donated their allowances.
Thanks to the hard work of the Gift Givers team and the support of the community, the group was able to raise $520.54. With this money, 75 new toys were purchased and donated to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.
“This truly was a positive ‘ripple effect’ moment,” says Markham. “One small act of kindness spread towards others. We are all so proud of the Gift Givers and their determination to help other children in need.”