Health Office

The district nurse and the health aides provide basic first aid for injuries and illness, which happen during the school day. We work hard to ensure the health and welfare of all of our students. If a student becomes ill or injured during the school day, the student should report to the health office. If the health aide (or nurse at the high school) is not in the health office, the student should go to the Main office (Attendance office at SHS). It is often necessary to contact a parent using the emergency numbers you have provided. Please make sure that we have the most current phone numbers including cell phones, so we can reach you immediately.
Our Team
Kelly Barlow-Eichman
District Nurse
Cortney Erxleben
Health Aide (SHS)
Sherelle Hughes
Health Aide (ATW)
Jeyshka Nuñez
Health Aide (SIS)
Sabrina Crosby
Health Aide (LB)

The health office is NOT a clinic, and therefore, is not a substitute for the student’s own physician or health care provider.

CDC FLU recommendation: Everyone 6 months and older is recommended for annual flu vaccination with rare exception. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions regarding which flu vaccine options are best for you and your family.